- JOHANNES SPILBERG (1619-1690): JUDITH AND THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES / Around 1650, probably Netherlands, Amsterdam
This large canvas is a truly rare collector's piece on the Czech antique art market. This work, depicting the Old Testament subject of Judith with the severed head of Holofernes, the commander of the Nebuchadnezzar armies, has an interesting certified provenance.
King Charles II of England received the painting as a gift from an Amsterdam general and it remained in the Royal Collection up until 1894, when Queen Victoria gave the painting to her granddaughter, Princess Alix of Hesse, as a wedding gift upon her marriage to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. Tsar Nicholas later gave the painting to Prince Daniel Semyonovich Argutinsky for his faithful service. The prince, who was an art collector, bequeathed the painting to his daughter, Yelena Danilovna Pavlovich (née Argutinskaya). Yelena Danilovna's family brought the painting to Vladivostok, and from there her daughter brought it to Prague in 1925. According to historical accounts, the family also brought other highly valuable paintings with them when they emigrated to Prague.
Archival research and a comparative analysis of Johannes Spilberg's brushwork prove the painting was by the German Baroque painter. Spilberg hailed from Düsseldorf. He began studying painting under his father, who sent him to Rubens in Antwerp in 1640. But Rubens died that same year, so the young Spilberg moved on to Amsterdam. Here he spent seven years studying under Rembrandt's only direct student, Govaert Flinck; hence Spilberg is considered a "second generation" student of Rembrandt. After completing his studies, he returned to Düsseldorf, where he worked as a family portrait painter in the court of Philip William, Elector Palatine.
Spilberg created his masterpieces likely while still residing in Amsterdam. His large canvases are artistically more interesting, depicting mythological scenes with opulent figural compositions in which he used bold color and focused on details. Today Spilberg's works are represented in leading galleries around the world. This painting is accompanied by expert assessments by Professor Lubomír Konečný and Dr. Martin Zlatohlávek, an X-ray analysis conducted by B. Štverák, CSc., and a court-certified expert assessment of the provenance of the painting.
Oil on canvas. (192 x 166,5 cm)
Starting price: 259 259 EUR
JOHANNES SPILBERG (1619-1690): JUDIT MIT DEM KOPF DES HOLOFERNES / Um1650, vermutlich Niederlande, Amsterdamm
Dieses großflächige Gemälde ist eine wahre Rarität auf dem tschechischen Markt für alte Kunst. Das Werk mit dem alttestamentarischen Thema der Jüdin Judith mit dem abgeschnittenen Kopf des Führers des Nabukadnezar-Heeres, Holofern, hat eine interessante und belegbare Geschichte.
Der englische König Karl II. erhielt dieses Bild vom General aus Amsterdam als Geschenk. Daraufhin befand es sich bis zum Jahr 1894, in dem es Königin Viktoria ihrer Enkelin, der Prinzessin Alice von Hessen als Brautgeschenk zu deren Vermählung mit dem russischen Zaren Nikolaus II. machte, in englischen königlichen Sammlungen. Später schenkte der Zar es dem Fürsten und Sammler Daniel Semyonovich Argutinsky für seine treuen Dienste, der es wiederum seiner Tochter Yelena Danilovna Pavlovich (geborene Argutinskaya) vermachte. Yelena Danilovnas Familie brachte das Kunstwerk nach Wladiwostok, von wo aus es die Tochter 1925 nach Prag brachte. Als die Familie nach Prag emigrierte brachte sie Zeugenberichten zufolge weitere sehr wertvolle Bilder mit. Dass dieses Werk von Johannes Spilberg stammt, ließ sich durch Nachforschungen in Archiven und auch durch eine kunsthistorische Vergleichsanalyse seiner Handschrift nachweisen. Spilberg stammte aus Düsseldorf, wo er bei seinem Vater Malerei zu studieren begann. Später, im Jahr 1640 sandte ihn dieser nach Antwerpen zu Rubens, der jedoch starb, und der junge Spilberg setzte somit
- JOHANNES SPILBERG (1619-1690): JUDITH AND THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES / Around 1650, probably Netherlands, Amsterdam
This large canvas is a truly rare collector's piece on the Czech antique art market. This work, depicting the Old Testament subject of Judith with the severed head of Holofernes, the commander of the Nebuchadnezzar armies, has an interesting certified provenance.
King Charles II of England received the painting as a gift from an Amsterdam general and it remained in the Royal Collection up until 1894, when Queen Victoria gave the painting to her granddaughter, Princess Alix of Hesse, as a wedding gift upon her marriage to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. Tsar Nicholas later gave the painting to Prince Daniel Semyonovich Argutinsky for his faithful service. The prince, who was an art collector, bequeathed the painting to his daughter, Yelena Danilovna Pavlovich (née Argutinskaya). Yelena Danilovna's family brought the painting to Vladivostok, and from there her daughter brought it to Prague in 1925. According to historical accounts, the family also brought other highly valuable paintings with them when they emigrated to Prague.
Archival research and a comparative analysis of Johannes Spilberg's brushwork prove the painting was by the German Baroque painter. Spilberg hailed from Düsseldorf. He began studying painting under his father, who sent him to Rubens in Antwerp in 1640. But Rubens died that same year, so the young Spilberg moved on to Amsterdam. Here he spent seven years studying under Rembrandt's only direct student, Govaert Flinck; hence Spilberg is considered a "second generation" student of Rembrandt. After completing his studies, he returned to Düsseldorf, where he worked as a family portrait painter in the court of Philip William, Elector Palatine.
Spilberg created his masterpieces likely while still residing in Amsterdam. His large canvases are artistically more interesting, depicting mythological scenes with opulent figural compositions in which he used bold color and focused on details. Today Spilberg's works are represented in leading galleries around the world. This painting is accompanied by expert assessments by Professor Lubomír Konečný and Dr. Martin Zlatohlávek, an X-ray analysis conducted by B. Štverák, CSc., and a court-certified expert assessment of the provenance of the painting.
Oil on canvas. (192 x 166,5 cm)
Starting price: 259 259 EUR
JOHANNES SPILBERG (1619-1690): JUDIT MIT DEM KOPF DES HOLOFERNES / Um1650, vermutlich Niederlande, Amsterdamm
Dieses großflächige Gemälde ist eine wahre Rarität auf dem tschechischen Markt für alte Kunst. Das Werk mit dem alttestamentarischen Thema der Jüdin Judith mit dem abgeschnittenen Kopf des Führers des Nabukadnezar-Heeres, Holofern, hat eine interessante und belegbare Geschichte.
Der englische König Karl II. erhielt dieses Bild vom General aus Amsterdam als Geschenk. Daraufhin befand es sich bis zum Jahr 1894, in dem es Königin Viktoria ihrer Enkelin, der Prinzessin Alice von Hessen als Brautgeschenk zu deren Vermählung mit dem russischen Zaren Nikolaus II. machte, in englischen königlichen Sammlungen. Später schenkte der Zar es dem Fürsten und Sammler Daniel Semyonovich Argutinsky für seine treuen Dienste, der es wiederum seiner Tochter Yelena Danilovna Pavlovich (geborene Argutinskaya) vermachte. Yelena Danilovnas Familie brachte das Kunstwerk nach Wladiwostok, von wo aus es die Tochter 1925 nach Prag brachte. Als die Familie nach Prag emigrierte brachte sie Zeugenberichten zufolge weitere sehr wertvolle Bilder mit. Dass dieses Werk von Johannes Spilberg stammt, ließ sich durch Nachforschungen in Archiven und auch durch eine kunsthistorische Vergleichsanalyse seiner Handschrift nachweisen. Spilberg stammte aus Düsseldorf, wo er bei seinem Vater Malerei zu studieren begann. Später, im Jahr 1640 sandte ihn dieser nach Antwerpen zu Rubens, der jedoch starb, und der junge Spilberg setzte somit
Sale Date(s)
Venue Address
For Arthouse Hejtmánek delivery information please telephone +420 776 210 002.
Important Information
Gallery and Auction house Ltd.
Goetheho 17/ 2
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Preauction Exhibition: 18. – 30. 11. 2016 / 10.00 – 18.00
Auction: 1. 12. 2016: entry from 5 pm, start at 6 pm
You can register by filling out the registration form:
You can register during the pre-auction exhibition 18.– 30. 11. 2016 with one of our employees - BY EMAIL
By filling out the registration form and sending it with a copy of your personal identification card or passport to email: ivana@arthousehejtmanek.cz or fax: +420 222 264 881
For our auction, we have carefully selected a varieaty of exceptional artistic works, antiquities and design.
You can look forward to the early work "BETWEEN SUNFLOWERS" by Otakar Kubín, interesting collectors acquisitions from Václav Brožík, Jan Preisler or Antonín Slavíček, Vlaho Bukovac, Josef Šíma, Václav Radimský, Franz Metzner or Jan Bauch. We will also auction works by present artists such as Karel Malich and Jan Saudek.
From the field of furniture we will represent Italian baroque, Czech cubism in the form of several items by Gočár, and also art deco with a glass case made by architect Mašek.
There will be certainly available many other surprising items that will touch and excite any collector.