ROBERT BOISSARD (1570-1601), MODESTINUS PISTORIS, Around 1590, France Copper engraving on handmade
ROBERT BOISSARD (1570-1601), MODESTINUS PISTORIS, Around 1590, France
Copper engraving on handmade paper Depicts lawyer Modestin Pistoris, and is likely part of a larger set of portraits.
Height: 13.8
Width: 9.8
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ROBERT BOISSARD (1570-1601), MODESTINUS PISTORIS, Around 1590, France
Copper engraving on handmade paper Depicts lawyer Modestin Pistoris, and is likely part of a larger set of portraits.
Height: 13.8
Width: 9.8
Fine Art, Design & Antiques
Sale Date(s)
Venue Address
Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace
Karlova Street 2
Prague 1
Czech Republic
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