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- List
- Grid
A Dunhill electroplated novelty table lighter in the form of a handbell with composite handle and
A Dunhill electroplated novelty table lighter in the form of a handbell with composite handle and hinged top, 16cm high
A pair of German WMF (Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik) Art Nouveau plated on copper candlesticks,
A pair of German WMF (Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik) Art Nouveau plated on copper candlesticks, 'Ostrich' mark (1903-1910), 27cm high some we...
A Victorian Alexander Clark (London) Wellbeck Plate shell-form folding biscuit box on cast frame
A Victorian Alexander Clark (London) Wellbeck Plate shell-form folding biscuit box on cast frame Slight wobble on frame, good movement when open...
A Victorian Elkington & Co brass beaker applied with Electrotype sleeve embossed with shepherdess,
A Victorian Elkington & Co brass beaker applied with Electrotype sleeve embossed with shepherdess, cowherd and putti 11.5cm high, to/w a WMF cut a...
A Victorian coopered oak novelty 'bell' tobacco jar with electroplated mounts and ceramic liner 22cm
A Victorian coopered oak novelty 'bell' tobacco jar with electroplated mounts and ceramic liner 22cm high plate worn, to/w a matching small match-...
A pair of Old Sheffield Plate snuffers trays and two pairs of snuffers, to/w a pair of 28cm baluster
A pair of Old Sheffield Plate snuffers trays and two pairs of snuffers, to/w a pair of 28cm baluster candlesticks, two salvers, a fruit basket and...
A pair of 19th Century plated on copper twin-branch candelabra 36cm high, to/w a graduated pair of
A pair of 19th Century plated on copper twin-branch candelabra 36cm high, to/w a graduated pair of Alpha Plate oval platters, a galleried oval tra...
David Mellor (1930-2009) for Walker & Hall, an EPNS 'Pride' pattern four-piece tea service with
David Mellor (1930-2009) for Walker & Hall, an EPNS 'Pride' pattern four-piece tea service with composite handles and finials, pattern no. 53722 ...
A Victorian electroplated four-piece tea/coffee service with engraved decoration, to/w a tea pot
A Victorian electroplated four-piece tea/coffee service with engraved decoration, to/w a tea pot with hawk finial, on stemmed foot, another tea po...
A Victorian silver-rimmed glass quaich with cast and pierced handles, London 1894, to/w a cut
A Victorian silver-rimmed glass quaich with cast and pierced handles, London 1894, to/w a cut glass sugar basin with silver rim and a cased set of...
An electroplated punch bowl with twin scroll handles, on stemmed foot 24cm diameter, to/w a punch
An electroplated punch bowl with twin scroll handles, on stemmed foot 24cm diameter, to/w a punch ladle, a twin branch candelabrum, a double-skinn...
An Edwardian silver sifter ladle and various other silver flatware, cased pair of napkin rings,
An Edwardian silver sifter ladle and various other silver flatware, cased pair of napkin rings, hinged bangle and a pair of cut glass salts with s...
A pair of silver baluster salt and pepper mills, AJ Poole, Birmingham 1996, 15cm high significant
A pair of silver baluster salt and pepper mills, AJ Poole, Birmingham 1996, 15cm high significant heavy tarnish
An engine-turned silver cigarette box with cedar lining, Bishton's Ltd, Birmingham 1968, to/w five
An engine-turned silver cigarette box with cedar lining, Bishton's Ltd, Birmingham 1968, to/w five napkin rings and an ashtray, 5.8oz of weighable...
A pair of silver asparagus tongs, Francis Higgins & Son Ltd, London 1922, to/w a set of nine coffee spoons with tongs, Sheffield 1913, 7.9oz
Various silver oddments, including inkstand (lacks bottle), pair of skewers, Victorian fiddle &
Various silver oddments, including inkstand (lacks bottle), pair of skewers, Victorian fiddle & thread sugar tongs, pin-box, etc., 10.6oz net silv...
A loaded silver capstan inkwell with tortoiseshell and piquet hinged cover, London 1920, to/w a
A loaded silver capstan inkwell with tortoiseshell and piquet hinged cover, London 1920, to/w a silver posy-vase with weighted foot, a Georgian Ol...
A silver cigarette box, Birmingham 1940, to/w an S.J. Dupont (Paris) electroplated lighter, a
A silver cigarette box, Birmingham 1940, to/w an S.J. Dupont (Paris) electroplated lighter, a small paperweight modelled with a leaping salmon, Bi...
An Edwardian silver sugar basin, Reid & Sons, London 1901, 6.4oz, to/w an electroplated entrée
An Edwardian silver sugar basin, Reid & Sons, London 1901, 6.4oz, to/w an electroplated entrée dish and cover with detachable handle (2)
A silver matchbox stand/ashtray, Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd., London 1938, to/w two napkin
A silver matchbox stand/ashtray, Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd., London 1938, to/w two napkin rings, boxed set of four silver coasters, silver...
A set of George III dessert knives with silver blades and loaded handles, maker IT, London 1803
A set of George III dessert knives with silver blades and loaded handles, maker IT, London 1803 and a set of forks to match, Sheffield 1925, 12oz ...
A George II silver marrow scoop, John Wrenn I, London 1737, to/w a pair of sugar nips, London 1795
A George II silver marrow scoop, John Wrenn I, London 1737, to/w a pair of sugar nips, London 1795 and a King's pattern butter knife, Edinburgh 18...
Various oddments of silver, including oval capstan inkwell, ashtray tortoiseshell desk-clip, etc.
Various oddments of silver, including oval capstan inkwell, ashtray tortoiseshell desk-clip, etc. 9oz of weighable silver
A canteen table, fitted with a set of epns King's pattern flatware and cutlery for twelve settings, including carving set (little used)
A Walker & Hall mahogany canteen, fitted with a set of EPNS flatware and cutlery for twelve settings
Two silver replica Armada dishes, London 1988/2002, 7.9oz, 9.5/14.5cm (2)
A late Victorian silver bachelor teapot with scrolling rims and ebonised mounts, Fenton Brothers
A late Victorian silver bachelor teapot with scrolling rims and ebonised mounts, Fenton Brothers Ltd., Sheffield 1900, 13.9oz gross, 15cm high
An oval silver trinket box with hinged lid, Birmingham 1910, to/w a butter dish, oval salt and small
An oval silver trinket box with hinged lid, Birmingham 1910, to/w a butter dish, oval salt and small inkstand - all with glass mounts (4), 8.8oz n...
A Victorian silver trophy goblet, London 1868, to/w a navette open salt, London 1891, a circular
A Victorian silver trophy goblet, London 1868, to/w a navette open salt, London 1891, a circular open salt, Birmingham 1919 and a small Armada dis...
An Indo-Persian low-grade silver filigree box with hinged lid and scrolling foliate decoration,
An Indo-Persian low-grade silver filigree box with hinged lid and scrolling foliate decoration, stamped on base, 19.2cm wide
A Spanish .915 standard (plata de ley) two-handled tray with gadrooned rim and four feet, 25oz, 43 x
A Spanish .915 standard (plata de ley) two-handled tray with gadrooned rim and four feet, 25oz, 43 x 25cm
A German .800 grade oval fruit bowl with beaded rim above pierced border, Wilhelm Binder (Schwäbisch
A German .800 grade oval fruit bowl with beaded rim above pierced border, Wilhelm Binder (Schwäbisch Gmünd), 12.7oz, 26 x 19cm
A Continental .800 grade soup ladle, table fork and two small spoons, 9oz
A Continental .800 grade table bell, 11cm high, to/w an .800 grade lobed bowl and an .835 grade
A Continental .800 grade table bell, 11cm high, to/w an .800 grade lobed bowl and an .835 grade card-salver (3), 9.7oz
An Indian low grade silver rectangular box with foliate chased decoration, blank shield to front,
An Indian low grade silver rectangular box with foliate chased decoration, blank shield to front, 16oz, 16.5cm wide
A cased pair of 19th Century German .800 grade silver cabinet spoons with shaped, embossed and
A cased pair of 19th Century German .800 grade silver cabinet spoons with shaped, embossed and pierced bowls and figural stems, 3.7oz, 20cm long
A Cohr (Danish) Sterling candelabrum with three sconces on scrolling frame, 7.8oz, 15.5cm high, to/w
A Cohr (Danish) Sterling candelabrum with three sconces on scrolling frame, 7.8oz, 15.5cm high, to/w a double-lipped cream jug with twin handles, ...
A 19th Century Indian low-grade silver condiment set, richly chased and embossed with flowers and
A 19th Century Indian low-grade silver condiment set, richly chased and embossed with flowers and foliage, comprising a 12cm bowl, four open salts...
An antique Chinese export silver folding double photograph frame, richly embossed and chased with
An antique Chinese export silver folding double photograph frame, richly embossed and chased with dragons in clouds, with simulated bamboo rear st...
A Persian silver cigarette box, engraved with carpet design, to/w five French .950 grade small
A Persian silver cigarette box, engraved with carpet design, to/w five French .950 grade small beakers, various oddments of English silver includi...
A George II silver cream boat, maker I.D, London 1759, an oval snuffers tray with beaded rim, Robert
A George II silver cream boat, maker I.D, London 1759, an oval snuffers tray with beaded rim, Robert Hennell I, London 1779 and a pair of snuffers...
Two silver sauce boats in the Georgian manner, Birmingham 1921/London 1933, 11oz
Two Art Deco engine-turned silver cigarette boxes with cedar linings, Birmingham 1934/35 Large - 13 cm long, 9 cm wide, 5 cm high, surface marks...
A heavy quality silver chocolate pot in the Queen Anne manner, of plain tapering form with hinged
A heavy quality silver chocolate pot in the Queen Anne manner, of plain tapering form with hinged cover and carved wood handle, S W Smith & Co, Lo...
An Edwardian pair of engine-turned silver small spirit/cologne flasks with hinged bayonet bun
An Edwardian pair of engine-turned silver small spirit/cologne flasks with hinged bayonet bun covers, Alfred Clark (Bond St), London 1902, 10cm hi...
A cased set of four each ashtrays and matchbox holders, Deakin & Francis, Birmingham 1914, retailed by Hamilton & Inches (Edinburgh); lot also inc...
A George V Britannia standard silver tea caddy in the Queen Anne manner, with domed lid and sliding shoulder, Vander & Hedges, London 1910, 7.3oz,...
A heavy quality silver Christening mug in the Georgian taste, with scroll handle and moulded foot-
A heavy quality silver Christening mug in the Georgian taste, with scroll handle and moulded foot-rim, Harman & Co, London 1943, 8.5oz, 10cm high
A pair of silver square salvers with moulded rims and scroll feet, Sydney Hall & Co, Sheffield 1933,
A pair of silver square salvers with moulded rims and scroll feet, Sydney Hall & Co, Sheffield 1933, 22.6oz, 19cm
A graduated pair of heavy quality George V silver oval platters with gadrooned rims, Garrard & Co.
A graduated pair of heavy quality George V silver oval platters with gadrooned rims, Garrard & Co. Ltd., London 1912, 81oz, 43.5 x 31cm/36 x 26.5c...
A Victorian Adam Revival three-piece silver bachelor tea service of stemmed oval form with reeded
A Victorian Adam Revival three-piece silver bachelor tea service of stemmed oval form with reeded and engraved decoration, the teapot with ivory f...
A George IV Scottish silver melon-shaped teapot with stylised 'cauliflower' finial, the scroll
A George IV Scottish silver melon-shaped teapot with stylised 'cauliflower' finial, the scroll handle with ivory insulators, raised on moulded foo...
A set of twenty five George III silver Old English pattern table forks, William Eley I, William
A set of twenty five George III silver Old English pattern table forks, William Eley I, William Fearn & William Chawner, London 1808, 56oz
A set of seven George III silver Old English pattern table forks, Richard Crossley, London 1793,
A set of seven George III silver Old English pattern table forks, Richard Crossley, London 1793, to/w a William IV butter knife, London 1835, 17.3...
A set of four George III loaded silver baluster candlesticks with detachable grease-pans and foliate
A set of four George III loaded silver baluster candlesticks with detachable grease-pans and foliate fluting, turned wood under-bases, John Parson...
A pair of James II cast silver baluster candlesticks, the dished square bases with canted corners,
A pair of James II cast silver baluster candlesticks, the dished square bases with canted corners, Peter Harache, London 1685, 25oz, 16cm high; lo...
A pair of Queen Anne Britannia standard cast silver candlesticks of octagonal baluster form with
A pair of Queen Anne Britannia standard cast silver candlesticks of octagonal baluster form with stepped bases, Anthony Nelme, London 1710, 31oz, ...
A George IV Scottish silver tea service of compressed melon form with cast foliate finial and scroll
A George IV Scottish silver tea service of compressed melon form with cast foliate finial and scroll handles with ivory insulators, on stemmed foo...
A pair of 1977 Silver Jubilee commemorative Britannia (.958) standard beakers inscribed 'Here's a
A pair of 1977 Silver Jubilee commemorative Britannia (.958) standard beakers inscribed 'Here's a Health unto Her Majesty' and with EIIR cypher, T...
Asprey: a heavy quality silver inkstand with twin silver-topped square cut glass inkwells, within
Asprey: a heavy quality silver inkstand with twin silver-topped square cut glass inkwells, within moulded rim, on scroll feet, Asprey & Co. Ltd., ...