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A Kenyan plated on copper scale model of a 200 ton Watson Lighter (barge), finely-detailed with teak wash-boards and plaque from the 'East Africa ...
An early 19th Century large kettle with parrot finial, on ornate Rococo stand with burner, 42cm, to/w a Victorian part-set of twelve dessert forks...
A walnut-cased set of six each engraved ep fish knives and forks with ivory handles (little used), ca 1900, to/w non-matching fish-servers in sepa...
A Burmese low-grade white metal bowl with engraved decoration, 11cm diameter, to/w a heavy quality Victorian electroplated shell salt, pair of Ger...
Art Deco cut glass decanter with fan stopper and silver collar and double-lip, possibly William Devenport & Co (mark rubbed), Birmingham 1925, 22c...
Silver and plated items
A silver four-division toast rack, Birmingham 1935, three decanter labels, London 1985, a pair of sugar tongs and a cased butter knife (6), 4oz (1...
A Victorian Aesthetic Movement china octagonal sugar basin on ep simulated bamboo stand with swing handle, an ep military cap-badge cast as an Ind...
A collection of forty two Georgian and later silver plated decanter labels - to/w a French ep taste-vin
A Victorian cased set of electroplated fish servers, to/w a Victorian cased carving set, the antler handles with ep mounts (2)
An Edwardian engraved silver cigarette case, Birmingham 1904 to/w a pair of sugar tongs and a quantity of ep wares, including Victorian oak cased ...
A quantity of Victorian and later flatware and cutlery - cased and loose - to/w a kettle on stand, egg cups, etc. (box)
Box of electroplated wares
A box of electroplated wares, including oval platter, tea pot, muffin dish, set of flatware, set of six gilt fiddle pattern teaspoons, knife rests...
A quantity of plated wares, including chamberstick, oval two-handled tray, entrée dish and cover, teapot and other teawares, flatware, etc. ...[m...
19th Century and other electroplated wares including, a six-bottle cruet, Old Sheffield plate bottle coaster and other coasters, fruit basket with...
A Viners of Sheffield Alpha Plate large punch bowl with six cups, 38cm diameter, to/w a large circular tray with galleried rim, 57cm (2)
A silver three-piece condiment set, Birmingham 1966, an expanding Sterling bangle and a long-link watch chain, 7.6oz total weight, to/w a Mappin &...
A Victorian electroplated breakfast dish with revolving cover, on reeded supports, to/w a Victorian oval entrée dish and cover with foliate engrav...
An antique Continental unmarked metal trencher salt with foliate-chased decoration, 11.5cm diameter
A German 835 standard oval dish, 30 x 24cm, 11.8oz (370g), to/w an .800 grade circular dish, 27.5cm, 13oz and a basket with .800 grade silver ha...
A small silver-mounted strut-clock, Sheffield 1996, in original box, to/w an Elkington Plate chafing dish with tri-part liner and turned wood hand...
A pair of Edwardian silver-faced photograph frames decorated with cherubs and rococo scrolls, 16.5 x 14.5cmMaker - WC damage to backing on both f...
A Victorian hip-flask with embossed crocodile-leather cover, silver hinged bun cover and detachable beaker, Mappin Brothers, Sheffield 1896, to/w ...
An Edwardian silver-faced thermometer in the Art Nouveau manner, J&R Griffin, Chester 1904, on velvet strut-frame, 13.5cm, to/w a trefoil pin-cush...
An epns three-piece tea service with pierced rim, on pad feet, to/w a silver hip-pocket cigarette case, Birmingham 1930, a Ronson epns table light...
A Victorian silver pierced basket of navette form with floral and scroll rim and stemmed foot, Charles Stuart Harris - overstamped by Johnson, Wal...
A silver four-piece tea/coffee service in the Regency manner, on bun feet, Harrison Brothers & Howson, Sheffield 1916, 40oz (1258g) gross ...[mor...
Silver fruit basket
A silver fruit basket with pierced and gadrooned rim and swing handle, on stemmed foot, Daniel & Arter, Birmingham 1915, 24.9oz (775g), 25 x 20cm ...
Silver cream jug
A silver cream jug in the Georgian manner, with reeded strap handle and wrigglework decoration, on ball feet, Jay, Richard Attenborough Co Ltd., C...
Silver three-piece brush set
An engine-turned silver three-piece brush/mirror set (3), Adie Bros Ltd., Birmingham 1947 ...[more]
A silver pin-tray with moulded rim, William Comyns & Sons, London 1911, 12.4oz (386g), 33 x 24cm ...[more]
Two Victorian fiddle pattern tablespoons, Exeter 1842/47, to/w a set of six coffee spoons with golf-club handles, Birmingham 1935 and a quantity o...
Two Georgian silver salts
Two Georgian silver open salts with floral embossed and chased decoration, on hoof feet - marks rubbed, but one London 1748, 4.4oz (139g)
Silver spoons and condiments
A quantity of Georgian and later silver teaspoons, to/w an oval mustard, open salt and pepperette, 11oz (345g) total weight
Military interest: a Victorian silver snuff box with engraved foliate decoration and gilt interior, the hinged top inscribed 'From Lieut. Wm. Seym...
Franklin Mint silver medallions States of the Union (50), in presentation album
An Art Deco engraved and engine-turned silver six-piece brush set including hand-mirror and comb, Birmingham 1933, in fitted caseone brush loose a...
An Edwardian silver ring-box with padded silk lining, Birmingham 1910, to/w two napkin rings, six various small spoons and a pickle fork
An Edwardian silver novelty pin-cushion in the form of a battered old boot, Levi & Salaman, Birmingham 1907, 7cm long ...[more]
An Edwardian silver 'Camel' hatpin-cushion, Adie & Lovekin Ltd, Birmingham 1906, 8cm highRear legs f/r - the rear legs are both broken just below ...
An Edwardian silver dressing table set with Art Nouveau borders and engine-turned decoration, comprising pin-tray, three brushes, hand-mirror, sce...
A cased set of six Norwegian silver gilt and harlequin enamel coffee spoons, stamped 'Sterling', J. Trostrup, Bergen, to/w a set of six .830 grade...
An ornate Swedish silver fruit-serving spoon with richly pierced cat bowl and stem decorated with a swan, to/w a similar pastry slice, small fork ...
An Edwardian dressing set with embossed silver handles, comprising shoe horn, button hooks and manicure implements, B & Co, Birmingham 1904, in or...
An Art Deco silver cigarette case with stepped edges and engine-turned decoration (apparently unused), Frederick Field Ltd, Birmingham 1937, to/w ...
An Art Deco blue basse-taille enamelled silver cigarette case, Joseph Gloster Ltd, Birmingham 1938, to/w a somewhat similar powder compact, Mappin...
A Victorian silver pebble snuff box with sprung lid and overall foliate engraved decoration, Holland Son & Slater, London 1882, 3oz (93g), 9 x 7cm...
Two silver evening purses
An engraved silver evening purse with fitted leather concertina lining, Robert Pringle & Sons Ltd, Birmingham 1918, to/w an Edwardian engraved eve...
An Art Nouveau style silver-mounted crocodile-skin evening purse, Frederick Wich (possibly), Birmingham circa 1900 (date letter rubbed), 12cm wide...
Asprey silver stethoscope
Medical interest: a silver stethoscope, Asprey & Co, London 1910, 1.6oz (50g), 38cm long ...[more]
Two pairs of silver salt and pepper mills, A.J. Poole, Birmingham 1998
A heavy quality engine-turned silver snuff box, John Rose, Birmingham 1950, 3.6oz (114g), 8cm wide
A pair of Victorian silver open salts, engraved with Regimental badge, on hoof feet, Arthur Sibley, London 1872, to/w a Christening mug with writh...
A pair of early Victorian Irish silver fiddle pattern sugar tongs, Samuel Neville, Dublin 1837, to/w a toast rack, Sheffield 1931 and two napkin r...
A pair of small Victorian silver cauldron salts, Birmingham 1893, to/w a vesta case, London 1901, two late Victorian novelty pepperettes modelled ...
Silver sugar caster
An octagonal silver baluster sugar caster, Barrowclift Silvercraft (probably), Sheffield 1975, 5.5oz, 19cm high
A Regency revival silver cream jug with gadrooned rim, on ball feet, Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd., London 1925, to/w a half-reeded cream jug...
Four silver-mounted cut glass scent bottles, to/w seven other toilet jars, a pair of silver-backed hairbrushes in leather case, hand- and nail buf...
A Sterling and guilloche enamel manicure set, comprising powder-pot with swan's down puff, brush, buffer, nail-file and paring knife (5)
A late Victorian silver easel mirror with heart-shaped bevelled plate within ornately pierced surround decorated with putti, birds, flowers and fo...
George IV silver tea service
A good quality George IV silver three-piece tea service of compressed melon form on stemmed foot, richly embossed and chased with disporting putti...