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A pair of George III silver tablespoons, George Smith III, London 1782, 3.8oz (119g), to/w two ep wine bottle holders (4) ...[more]
A Victorian walnut and parquetry-inlaid toilet case, the blue-velvet lined interior fitted with six glass bottles and jars with plated on copper t...
A Victorian electroplated four-sconce candelabrum with three scrolling branches, hung with garlanded chains, on fluted pillar and triform base mou...
A large Victorian electroplated epergne, cast with draping vines, with part-set of cut glass fittings, 82cm highOne glass plate has a chip to base...
Various electroplated wares, including eight 29.5cm plates, twelve place mats, shell nut-dish, boxed Christofle magnifying glass and bottle-opener...
A quantity of Victorian and later electroplated wares, including a part set of Kings pattern and other flatware and cutlery, fruit basket with swi...
A pair of epns Adam-style candlesticks on square bases, 30cm high, to/w a pair of entrée dishes, a 36cm salver and two-handled wine tray (6)
A Victorian EPBM samovar on stemmed square base, to/w two oval sauce tureens & covers and two wine trays with pierced rims (5) ...[more]
Canteen of epns and stainless steel Dubarry flatware and cutlery by Arthur Price, Sheffield - little usedCanteen damaged - contents vgc ...[more]
A canteen of electroplated Hanoverian rat-tail flatware and cutlery for eight settings - little used
A quantity of antique electroplated reed (or thread) pattern flatware engraved with crests (little used), t/w a stilton scoop with ivory handle, s...
A pair of silver-backed hairbrushes, Sheffield 1933, to/w various ep wares including pierced bottle-basket, Adam-style three-piece condiment set, ...
A Victorian electroplated novelty cruet in the form of a three-wheeled wagon with turned ivory handle, 20cm long
A pair of Old Sheffield plate bottle coasters, to/w a wine funnel, silver 'Sherry' decanter label, cased set of silver-handled tea knives, silver-...
A canteen of EPNS 'Dubarry' flatware for six settings, to/w a boxed companion set of fish knives and forks (little used); lot also includes a boxe...
An Edwardian oak canteen and contents - mixed ep flatware and silver oddments - all af
Oddments of Victorian and later silver and plate, including Victorian ivory letter-knife with silver handle, silver-mounted pipe, silver-handled s...
An Edwardian pair of silver salad servers with hollow handles, William Hutton & Son, Birmingham 1908, 3.3oz (105g), 28cm, to/w a Dutch .833 standa...
A child's yellow guilloche enamel three-piece brush and mirror set, Birmingham 1927, to/w an engraved vesta case, Birmingham 1910, a pair of silve...
A Victorian electroplated decanter stand with swing handle and ram monopodia, stamped 2162, to/w three square-cut decanters, 29 x 31cm
Three loaded silver flute vases, to/w a quantity of electroplated wares, including egg boiler, egg-cup stand, cheroot case, knife rests, bread for...
A canteen of epns Arthur Price 'Dubarry' flatware and cutlery for six settings
Matthew Boulton: an Old Sheffield plate snuffers tray with gadrooned rim, to/w a Harrods ep three-piece tea service, pair of pierced silver pepper...
A large electroplated two-handled tray, engraved with coat of arms with Ducal coronet crest, 75cm wide o/a, to/w three entrée dishes and covers - ...
A silver and enamelled three-piece brush set with hand mirror, and a silver-faced photograph frame, to/w three electroplated photograph frames and...
A set of epns Kings Pattern flatware and cutlery for twleve settings, in a fitted canteen table with leather top
A 19th century Old Sheffield Plate oval meat dome, engraved with the coat of arms in half of The Bishop of Winchester, within Order of the Garter ...
A Victorian oak canteen of electroplated flatware and cutlery for twelve settings, c/w carving set, pair of berry spoons and grape scissors, to/w ...
A Victorian Old Sheffield Plate three-piece tea service, to/w an Elkington & Co electroplated coffee pot, two Old Sheffield Plate snuffers trays a...
A Victorian cased set of silver teaspoons (of Georgian origin) with shell bowls and foliate-engraved stems, to/w a toast-rack, baluster sugar cast...
An oak canteen of Old English Pattern electroplated flatware to/w a cased set of silver teaspoons, Birmingham 1933, a Victorian pair of ep fish se...
A George III silver vinaigrette of book form with engraved decoration, the gilt lining with foliate-engraved hinged grille, John Reilly, Birmingha...
A late Victorian cut glass hip flask with silver bun cover and detachable beaker, Charles Fox & Co, London 1894, to/w a silver-backed clothes brus...
A set of four Venetian large oval silver salts with gadrooned rims, on hoof feet, 18th Century (probably - see Tardy p291), 12 x 9cm
Maritime interest: heavy quality Edwardian silver cigarette case, the gilt interior engraved with Naval service record - lists of ships 1904-19 (...
An Edwardian silver helmet cream jug in the Regency manner, with scroll handle and stemmed foot, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co. Ltd. London 1907,...
A silver three-piece tea service in the Regency manner, with composite handle and finial, William Hutton & Sons Ltd, Sheffield 1912, 35oz (1104g) ...
Five various Georgian and later silver spoons, to/w an engraved hinged bangle mounted with buckle and a napkin ring, 7.3oz (229g), to/w five silve...
A leather-cased set of four glass spirit/scent flasks with silver and ivory screw-tops, makers GC&S, London 1921, the case retailed by Davis, 200 ...
A late Victorian heavy quality silver part set of fiddle, thread and shell flatware, comprising four each table spoons and forks and dessert spoon...
Three matching silver sauce boats in the Georgian taste, with cut rims, scroll handles and hoof feet, Asprey & Co. Ltd., London (2) and Birmingham...
A Georgian silver drum mustard with egg & dart rim and blue glass liner, (maker's mark rubbed) London 1798, t/w a William IV example, Charles Fox ...
A George II silver trencher salt, Edward Wood, London 1736, 1.9oz (60g), 8 x 6.5cm x 2.8cm h
A late Victorian heavy quality silver four-piece tea/coffee set in the Regency manner, richly embossed and chased with scrolls, shells, flowers an...
Two silver-mounted decanters
A late Victorian writhen-moulded glass 'glug-glug' decanter with silver collar and lip, Birmingham 1895, to/w a cut-glass decanter with silver col...
A George III silver caddy spoon with wrigglework decoration, makers L&A (not identified), Birmingham 1803, to/w a set of four Victorian fiddle pat...
Various Georgian and later teaspoons, etc. 10.6oz (330g)
Oddments of silver, etc.
A George III silver-bladed fruit-knife with carved mother of pearl handle, Thomas Nowill, Sheffield 1819, to/w two other silver-bladed penknives, ...
Large silver-faced easel mirror with heart-shaped plate within richly embossed surround decorated with cherubs, flowers and foliage, David Shaw Si...
Birmingham Mint: 'Great British Regiments' - a set of fifty-two silver medals representing line regiments, each with corresponding silvered and gi...
A stemmed silver bowl, Elkington & Co, Birmingham 1920, 4.8oz (151g), 11.5cm diameter, to/w an engine-turned powder compact, Birmingham 1937 (af) ...
A heavy quality late Victorian silver three-piece tea service of half-reeded oval form with ebonised handle and finial, William Hutton & Sons Ltd,...
Silver-handled cutlery
A set of six each Edwardian Queen's pattern fish knives and forks with loaded silver handles, Sheffield 1908, to/w a single Victorian silver tea-k...
Victorian silver goose
A Victorian silver goose with finely-chased feathers and gilt interior - possibly a pin cushion base or posy vase - Joseph Braham, London 1885, 1....
An 18th Century Continental silver gilt cabinet spoon, the finial cast as an angel with children, on open-twist stem, the oval bowl nail punch-eng...
A George III silver snuffers tray of 'hourglass' form with pierced gallery and wooden base, maker's mark obscured, London 1775, 20cm long
A George III OEP silver basting spoon, Eley & Fearn, London 1818, 3.5oz (109g), 30cmBowl creased ...[more]
A George III embossed silver Bacchanalian decanter label for 'Claret', Matthew Linwood, Birmingham 1818, 6cm wide, to/w a vine-leaf 'Port' label, ...
A silver replica Armada dish, William Comyns & Sons ltd., London 1964, 11.8oz (369g) ...[more]
A Victorian silver letter salver with rococo engraving within scroll and bead rim, on claw and ball feet, Martin, Hall & Co, Sheffield 1855, 11.5o...