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Four boxes inc. copper and brass, oil lamp, stein etc ...[more]
Four boxes inc. cranberry glass oil lamp, opaque glass light shade, Staffordshire, blue and white
Four boxes inc. cranberry glass oil lamp, opaque glass light shade, Staffordshire, blue and white pottery ewer etc ...[more]
Three boxes inc. a 1950`s partial dinner service, blue and white meat plate, vintage scales, framed articles etc ...[more]
Four boxes inc. copper kettles, weighing scales, brass wall plaques, pair of brass candlesticks,
Four boxes inc. copper kettles, weighing scales, brass wall plaques, pair of brass candlesticks, LP`s and 45`s, hames etc ...[more]
Four boxes inc. vintage light fitting, drinking glasses, royal commemoratives, shop till etc ...[more]
A box including cobbler`s last, pail etc ...[more]
Four boxes inc. silver plate, studio pottery vase, drinking glasses, framed articles etc, tog.
Four boxes inc. silver plate, studio pottery vase, drinking glasses, framed articles etc, tog. with a typewriter ...[more]
A box inc. a set of six painted glasses, partial tea service, butter churn etc ...[more]
Four boxes inc. two vintage radios, Bush, modern table wares, toilet bowl etc ...[more]
Two boxes inc. a partial Johnson Bros. Snow White dinner service, drinking glasses etc ...[more]
Two boxes inc. stoneware jardinieres, Denby partial breakfast service, modern ceramics etc ...[more]
Two boxes inc. a quantity of silver plate, crested wares ,royal commemoratives etc ...[more]
A box inc. childrens books and prints ...[more]
A box inc. costume jewellery, ladies watches, horse brass, vintage tape measure etc ...[more]
Two boxes inc. footstool, floral decorated chamber pots, capodimonte style figures etc ...[more]
Three boxes inc. brass jam pan, modern drinking glasses, commercial ceramics and a quantity of
Three boxes inc. brass jam pan, modern drinking glasses, commercial ceramics and a quantity of flatware ...[more]
Five boxes inc. vintage glass jelly mould, modern table wares, pressed glass etc ...[more]
A quantity of LP`s inc. Jack Jones ...[more]
Two boxes inc. Royal Devon blush ivory wares, blue and white meat plates etc ...[more]
Two boxes inc. large quantity of copper and brass and a group of gaudy ware ...[more]
A box of gardening reference books ...[more]
A collection of stamp albums inc. a Centurion and a Simple Junior album containing World stamps (
A collection of stamp albums inc. a Centurion and a Simple Junior album containing World stamps (approx. 18) ...[more]
Three boxes inc. pressed glass, floral encrusted wares etc ...[more]
Two boxes inc. copper lustre jugs, blue and white partial tea service etc ...[more]
Two boxes inc. an Arthur Wood partial coffee service, cigarette cards, 19th century and later
Two boxes inc. an Arthur Wood partial coffee service, cigarette cards, 19th century and later fireplace tiles etc ...[more]
Four boxes inc. vintage carpentry tools, eggshell porcelain tea service, advertising glasses etc
Four boxes inc. vintage carpentry tools, eggshell porcelain tea service, advertising glasses etc ...[more]
Four boxes inc. Dinky and other play worn toys, modern ceramics etc ...[more]
Five boxes inc. pressed and cut-glass, souvenir wares, collector plates ,modernist pottery etc;
Five boxes inc. pressed and cut-glass, souvenir wares, collector plates ,modernist pottery etc; together with a vintage Super 8 projector and an 8...
Two boxes inc. a pair of wooden wall sconces, crocheted linens, treen bowl, ceramics etc ...[more]
A box inc. Murano style fish, set of eight shot glasses painted with hunting scenes etc; tog. with
A box inc. Murano style fish, set of eight shot glasses painted with hunting scenes etc; tog. with an oak magazine rack ...[more]
Ethnic woollen hangings, two reproduction pistols etc ...[more]
A box inc. a quantity of royal commemorative mugs, novelty teapot, silver plate etc ...[more]
Two boxes of First Day Covers and loose stamps ...[more]
Four boxes inc. Sadler water jug, Crown Ducal vase, pressed glass candlesticks, cushions, wicker
Four boxes inc. Sadler water jug, Crown Ducal vase, pressed glass candlesticks, cushions, wicker baskets etc ...[more]
A Nikon F3 (serial no. 1464142) in leather carrying case tog. with a Nikkor 50mm lens, a Nikkor 28mm
A Nikon F3 (serial no. 1464142) in leather carrying case tog. with a Nikkor 50mm lens, a Nikkor 28mm lens, and a slide projector. ...[more]
A group of LP`s and 45`s by various artists inc. a "You`ll Never Walk Alone" 45, the slip signed
A group of LP`s and 45`s by various artists inc. a "You`ll Never Walk Alone" 45, the slip signed by the artist Martin Dale. ...[more]
A quantity of vintage Classical 78`s ...[more]
A box of First Day Covers, topographical postcards and stamp books. ...[more]
Two boxes of world stamps tog. with a box of topographical postcards (qty) ...[more]
A box of misc. stamp albums
A box of misc. stamp albums ...[more]
Four boxes inc. cut and pressed glass, partial dinner service ...[more]
Four boxes of 19th century and later china, coloured glass, copper etc ...[more]
A box comprising three US M1 helmets, two with liners and a group of "The War Weekly" periodicals.
A box comprising three US M1 helmets, two with liners and a group of "The War Weekly" periodicals. ...[more]
A Capodimonte style jardiniere and stand, teapot (a/f), large pottery model of a cockerel and a
A Capodimonte style jardiniere and stand, teapot (a/f), large pottery model of a cockerel and a Chinese blue and white jardiniere ...[more]
Two boxes inc. brass trivet, copper kettle, early 20th century copper and brass two tier warmer,
Two boxes inc. brass trivet, copper kettle, early 20th century copper and brass two tier warmer, pair of Staffordshire vases, oak jewellery casket...
A model Apache helicopter tog. with a radio-controlled speed boat (2) ...[more]
A vintage oak cased Singer sewing machine ...[more]
Two boxes inc. a gaudy ware cheese wedge, stoneware storage jar etc ...[more]
Three boxes inc. pressed glass sundae bowls, flatware, modern ceramics etc, Wedgwood Lavender
Three boxes inc. pressed glass sundae bowls, flatware, modern ceramics etc, Wedgwood Lavender partial tea service; tog. with two enamel bowls etc ...
A box inc Carnival Glass, flatware, Royal Doulton plates etc; tog. with a suitcase containing a
A box inc Carnival Glass, flatware, Royal Doulton plates etc; tog. with a suitcase containing a leather briefcase etc and a slide projector etc ...
A Pentax camera tog. with a large group of accessories inc. lenses, filters, developing equipment
A Pentax camera tog. with a large group of accessories inc. lenses, filters, developing equipment etc. and another Pentax camera with a Hanimex 28...
Four boxes inc. dressing table articles, table linens (quantity), etc tog. with a slide projector
Four boxes inc. dressing table articles, table linens (quantity), etc tog. with a slide projector ...[more]
Six boxes inc. table lamp, pewter stein, salt glazed stoneware, household china etc tog. with a
Six boxes inc. table lamp, pewter stein, salt glazed stoneware, household china etc tog. with a record player ...[more]
Five boxes inc. household china, fencing mask and other equipment etc tog. with an oak magazine rack
Five boxes inc. household china, fencing mask and other equipment etc tog. with an oak magazine rack ...[more]
Two boxes inc. framed articles, brass magazine rack, brass plaque, Oriental jardiniere etc ...[more]
Three boxes inc. ladies vintage hats, crocheted linens, tog. with a cardboard hat box and contents
Three boxes inc. ladies vintage hats, crocheted linens, tog. with a cardboard hat box and contents ...[more]
A Victorian twin handled oval lidded pan tog. with two copper cream pans ...[more]
A Bang & Olufsen record player tog. with two speakers ...[more]
An oak canteen tog. with another oak box (2) ...[more]