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A collection of 19th century and later snuff boxes comprising three hoof snuff boxes, height of
A collection of 19th century and later snuff boxes comprising three hoof snuff boxes, height of largest example 7.5cm, together with two horn snuf...
A 19th century French metal and lacquered snuff box of circular form depicting guards at Versailles,
A 19th century French metal and lacquered snuff box of circular form depicting guards at Versailles, diameter 7.5cm.The box opens and closes well,...
A 19th century metal and papier-mâché snuff box of circular form with later applied Third Reich
A 19th century metal and papier-mâché snuff box of circular form with later applied Third Reich emblem, diameter 7cm, with indistinct engraved det...
Two 19th century Scottish snuff mulls to include an example with white metal hinges and collar and
Two 19th century Scottish snuff mulls to include an example with white metal hinges and collar and cabochon with initials 'JL', height 7.5cm (2).E...
A 19th century Scottish snuff mull with white metal hinged cover and hardstone inset cabochon,
A 19th century Scottish snuff mull with white metal hinged cover and hardstone inset cabochon, height 8cm (part af).The agate mount to the top is ...
Four Victorian papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a rectangular example with pewter inlay, width
Four Victorian papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a rectangular example with pewter inlay, width 8cm, etc (4).
A 19th century white metal mounted mother of pearl snuff box of shaped rectangular, with chased
A 19th century white metal mounted mother of pearl snuff box of shaped rectangular, with chased floral detail, inscribed 'Mrs Bryson', width 6cm.L...
Four Georgian brass snuff boxes to include an oval example, width 9cm, a shaped rectangular example with engraved initials 'J.W', width 9cm, etc (...
Four 19th century hand painted snuff boxes to include an example of a huntsman in Continental landscape, diameter 8cm, one of a boy beside two mai...
Five 19th century papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a rectangular example with mother of pearl
Five 19th century papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a rectangular example with mother of pearl inlaid decoration, width 7.5cm, a small rectangul...
A 19th century novelty snuff box in the form of lady's shoe with pewter inlaid decoration, length
A 19th century novelty snuff box in the form of lady's shoe with pewter inlaid decoration, length 7.5cm, together with a similar pewter example, t...
Four 19th century snuff boxes to include three papier-mâché examples, one decorated with a horse
Four 19th century snuff boxes to include three papier-mâché examples, one decorated with a horse drawn carriage, width 8cm, a second example print...
Four 19th century horn snuff boxes including an example of oval form with white metal and brass
Four 19th century horn snuff boxes including an example of oval form with white metal and brass mounts, height 6.6cm, width 9.5cm, a further examp...
Four Georgian horn and faux tortoiseshell snuff boxes of rectangular form, width of largest example 7cm (4). ...[more]
Six reproduction snuff boxes of rectangular form, decorated with various scenes including martime
Six reproduction snuff boxes of rectangular form, decorated with various scenes including martime examples, lumberjacks, etc (6). ...[more]
Three 19th century horn snuff boxes to include a rectangular example mounted with a white metal
Three 19th century horn snuff boxes to include a rectangular example mounted with a white metal rifle, length 7.5cm, also an oval horn example wit...
A 19th century papier-mâché snuff box of rectangular form, with applied white metal floral decoration surrounding the centre, inlaid with hardston...
An early 19th century shell snuff box with silver plated mount, length 4.5cm, together with a
An early 19th century shell snuff box with silver plated mount, length 4.5cm, together with a brass and hardstone snuff box of oval form, width 5c...
A 19th century hand painted snuff box of circular form, decorated with a portrait of a maiden
A 19th century hand painted snuff box of circular form, decorated with a portrait of a maiden wearing roses in her hair, diameter 10.5cm, together...
A 19th century French burr wood snuff box of circular form embossed with figures on horseback,
A 19th century French burr wood snuff box of circular form embossed with figures on horseback, inscribed 'Ratour de chasse d'Henri IV', and cross ...
Two 19th century hand painted circular snuff boxes to include an example decorated with a seated
Two 19th century hand painted circular snuff boxes to include an example decorated with a seated bearded gentleman, with grapes, diameter 10cm (2)...
A 19th century pewter snuff box of curved form, width 7.5cm, together with a silver plated example
A 19th century pewter snuff box of curved form, width 7.5cm, together with a silver plated example with embossed figures dancing, width 6.5cm, sty...
A 19th century copper snuff box of circular form with cast beaded decoration to the outside and
A 19th century copper snuff box of circular form with cast beaded decoration to the outside and applied coin, diameter 7.5cm, together with an oak...
Three 19th century horn and faux tortoiseshell snuff boxes of rectangular form, width of largest
Three 19th century horn and faux tortoiseshell snuff boxes of rectangular form, width of largest example 7.5cm, together with a bone snuff box of ...
A 19th century silver plated and lacquered snuff box of circular form, embossed with jockeys on
A 19th century silver plated and lacquered snuff box of circular form, embossed with jockeys on horseback to the cover and inscribed 'Emblem, the ...
A late 19th century carved bog oak circular snuff box, the cover embossed with a Celtic cross
A late 19th century carved bog oak circular snuff box, the cover embossed with a Celtic cross flanked by floral detail, diameter 8cm, together wit...
A 19th century rosewood snuff box of circular form with ivory panel, decorated with Lancaster
A 19th century rosewood snuff box of circular form with ivory panel, decorated with Lancaster Castle, diameter 9cm.
A collection of treen snuff boxes to include a French prisoner of war example with carved decoration
A collection of treen snuff boxes to include a French prisoner of war example with carved decoration flags and floral detail, bears letter to the ...
A 19th century brass snuff box of oval form with chased decoration of figures and inscribed '
A 19th century brass snuff box of oval form with chased decoration of figures and inscribed 'Verlaat', length 16cm, together with a 19th century l...
Three late 19th century Mauchlineware boxes, the largest inscribed 'Made of wood grown in Chillingham Park, famous for its breed of wild cattle, M...
Five early 20th century and later treen snuff boxes to include a circular example, diameter 6cm, a
Five early 20th century and later treen snuff boxes to include a circular example, diameter 6cm, a novelty example in the form of a book, height 4...
Four 19th century papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a Russian figure playing the violin, length
Four 19th century papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a Russian figure playing the violin, length 10cm, a small example with pewter inlaid decorat...
A collection of early 20th century and later pewter, silver plated and chrome snuff boxes, to
A collection of early 20th century and later pewter, silver plated and chrome snuff boxes, to include an oval example with chased decoration, insc...
A collection of six 19th century and later papier-mâché and lacquered snuff boxes to include an
A collection of six 19th century and later papier-mâché and lacquered snuff boxes to include an Oriental inspired example with a Chinoiserie decor...
Six chrome and pewter circular and oval squeeze snuff boxes to include an example with applied
Six chrome and pewter circular and oval squeeze snuff boxes to include an example with applied enamel city crest for Brighton, diameter 7cm. ...[...
A 19th century silver plated and black lacquered snuff box produced to commemorate Charles James
A 19th century silver plated and black lacquered snuff box produced to commemorate Charles James Fox, inscribed 'This illustrious patriot departed...
Four silver plated snuff boxes to include an oval example with chased scrolling detail surrounding
Four silver plated snuff boxes to include an oval example with chased scrolling detail surrounding the vacant cartouche, width 9cm, a small oval e...
A collection of silver plated, base metal and chrome snuff boxes of various shapes and sizes to
A collection of silver plated, base metal and chrome snuff boxes of various shapes and sizes to include a curved example engraved with the Isle of...
A collection of seven brass and base metal snuff boxes to include an oval example embossed with
A collection of seven brass and base metal snuff boxes to include an oval example embossed with the Tudor Rose, inscribed 'England', an Indian bra...
Four 19th century horn snuff boxes to include three rectangular examples, one with white metal
Four 19th century horn snuff boxes to include three rectangular examples, one with white metal inlaid cross, width 7cm, etc (4). ...[more]
A collection of 19th century snuff boxes to include a shaped rectangular example with floral decoration surrounding the vacant cartouche, width 8c...
A collection of 19th century and later snuff boxes to include a tartanware example, width 8cm, a
A collection of 19th century and later snuff boxes to include a tartanware example, width 8cm, a simulated tortoiseshell example, width 8.5cm, etc...
Three Victorian papier-mâché snuff boxes to include an example with wire and jewelled detail,
Three Victorian papier-mâché snuff boxes to include an example with wire and jewelled detail, width 7cm, together with a further black lacquered m...
Four treen snuff boxes including two novelty examples, the first in the form of a tortoise with
Four treen snuff boxes including two novelty examples, the first in the form of a tortoise with rotating head, length 7cm, the second in the form ...
Two Georgian brass snuff boxes to include a heavy gauge example of oval form, width 6cm, together
Two Georgian brass snuff boxes to include a heavy gauge example of oval form, width 6cm, together with two further brass snuff boxes (4). ...[mor...
Three 19th century horn snuff boxes to include an oval example, width 9.5cm, also a horn mounted
Three 19th century horn snuff boxes to include an oval example, width 9.5cm, also a horn mounted magnifying glass (4). ...[more]
A collection of six snuff boxes of oval form, with silver plated mounts to include an example with
A collection of six snuff boxes of oval form, with silver plated mounts to include an example with white metal and mother of pearl inlay of a figu...
Three Georgian horn and faux tortoiseshell snuff boxes to include a rectangular example, width 9.
Three Georgian horn and faux tortoiseshell snuff boxes to include a rectangular example, width 9.5cm, and two oval examples, width 8.5cm (3).Light...
A collection of assorted snuff boxes to include three bakelite examples with geometric decoration,
A collection of assorted snuff boxes to include three bakelite examples with geometric decoration, width 5.5cm, a lacquered example stamped 'Made ...
Four 19th century papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a rectangular example with inlaid metal
Four 19th century papier-mâché snuff boxes to include a rectangular example with inlaid metal detail, width 9cm, an example inscribed 'Old Fellow ...
Three 19th century pewter snuff boxes to include an example with embossed detail of a hunting scene,
Three 19th century pewter snuff boxes to include an example with embossed detail of a hunting scene, width 6.5cm, also a further oval example with...
Two 19th century pewter snuff boxes of curved form to include an example with chased scrolling
Two 19th century pewter snuff boxes of curved form to include an example with chased scrolling detail throughout and a vacant cartouche, length 7c...
A pair of Russian cold painted metal figures of Cossacks in the manner of Faberge, modelled as
A pair of Russian cold painted metal figures of Cossacks in the manner of Faberge, modelled as Kudinov and Pustynikov, incised marks in Cyrillic, ...
PARKER; a 9ct gold cased fountain pen with engine turned decoration surrounding rectangular cartouche with engraved intials 'NCB', length 13cm. ....
A rare early 20th century chromolithograph on tin advertising sign for the Cunard Line, depicting
A rare early 20th century chromolithograph on tin advertising sign for the Cunard Line, depicting the Aquitania with steam bellowing from all four...
A Neolithic style ceramic model of a bird, height 13cm, with accompanying receipt from Aramara
A Neolithic style ceramic model of a bird, height 13cm, with accompanying receipt from Aramara cruises, together with a bronzed ceramic footed bow...
An early 20th century Native American stitched leather quiver containing a group of seven bamboo
An early 20th century Native American stitched leather quiver containing a group of seven bamboo shafted arrows with barbed iron ends, length of q...
A late 19th/early 20th century hardwood tribal paddle with the detail of a stylised face to one side
A late 19th/early 20th century hardwood tribal paddle with the detail of a stylised face to one side and a broad raised stem to the reverse, lengt...
ROBERT BURNS; an unusual painted plaster oval plaque decorated in profile within an integral moulded
ROBERT BURNS; an unusual painted plaster oval plaque decorated in profile within an integral moulded gilt frame, 53 x 48cm. ...[more]
A circa 1900 Chinese tin cylindrical tea canister with simple lift off lid, gilt detail no.7 and
A circa 1900 Chinese tin cylindrical tea canister with simple lift off lid, gilt detail no.7 and with Chinese writing, height 37cm. ...[more]