Objects Salvaged from the Shipwreck of RMS Carpathia
Sale Date(s)
Venue Address
Shipping is the sole responsibility of the buyer. Below is a list of our recommended shippers. We strongly suggest obtaining a shipping estimate before bidding.
Small Items and Art
UPS Store 1006 | Bob Persky | 404.261.6339 | store1006@theUPSstore.com
UPS Store 1140 | Brent Taunton | 770.458.1922 | store1140@theUPSstore.com
UPS Store 2215 | Richard Carico | 404.814.1771 | store2215@theUPSstore.com
Large Items and Furniture
Craters & Freighters | 678.819.5502 | Atlanta@cratersandfreighters.com
Team Worldwide | Chris Reker | 404.761.2755 | chris.reker@teamww.com
Distinguished Transport | info@DistinguishedTransport.com | 678.234.4830
DAKS Global Logistics | sales@daksglobal.com | 484.879.6678
Local Delivery (within 150 miles of Atlanta)
Atlanta's Pro Pak, LLC | Omar Valverde | 404.453.2025 | 4propak@gmail.com
Another Person's Treasures | Michael Rydell | 770.331.7390
Velvet Glove Delivery | 404.379.4499 | chris@velvetgloveatl.com
RB Shipping | info@RBshippingLLC.com | 404.524.9122
Knox-Addley | Mac Hodge | 404.603.8000 | mac@knoxaddley.com (also does packing, crating & shipping)
Important Information
More than 90 artifacts salvaged from RMS Carpathia during the 2007 expedition, including three telegraphs, various stoneware and glassware, portholes, a pair of binoculars, and many lots of coal.
Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions of sale may be found at www.AandOauctions.com
This listing is CATALOGUE ONLY. All bids must be placed at www.AandOauctions.com.